I know the pain,
and deep shame many WOMEN carry.

I was a MIDWIFE for 20 years.

I witnessed, held, and cared for women’s bodies in their most vulnerable moments. I cradled their DEEPEST SECRETS and heard their sexual traumas. I know the intricacies and SACREDNESS of your vessel.

Sex Green

I was a MIDWIFE for 20 years.

I witnessed, held, and cared for women’s bodies in their most vulnerable moments. I cradled their DEEPEST SECRETS and heard their sexual traumas. I know the intricacies and SACREDNESS of your vessel.

The sexual
and realities of
being a woman
are daunting.

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Don’t have wrinkles. Be FIT. Have fat only in the right places. Work hard.
Be a good mom. Don’t be a SLUT. Why don’t you have children?
We are told what makes us beautiful and what makes us ugly. We can never be ugly.

Or perhaps you know the power of your sexuality. You like your body, enjoy sex, and deeply honour the blessings and miracles that your body holds. Can you imagine going deeper with your sexuality? You have a limitless opportunity for more when you step even deeper and more profoundly into this medicine space.


But what about the years of


It started when you were YOUNG. Do you remember the uncomfortable gaze of the old man as you began to DEVELOP BREASTS?

Do you know and understand the language of your body? Perhaps you have long standing health issues that you suffer with? Have you been truly listened to by your healthcare professionals? Women’s issues are often dismissed and minimized.

Do you remember the first time you had sex? How did it leave you feeling?

Women respond to these experiences by shutting down their sexuality. We walk around, fragmented, trying to fit in different boxes to make other people happy. We are completely disconnected from our wildness, our sacredness and our true power.

Women experience sexual trespass
it is carried in OUR BONES.

Rape. Invasive Medical Treatments. Abortion. Sexual Trespass. Birth Trauma.

We carry these stories and pain in our cells. The grief is embedded within us. The hurt. The physical suffering. We get up every day pretending we aren’t deeply wounded and afraid.

For many women, our sexuality is exiled to a place barely tolerable, experienced flat on our back and wishing it was over. We hide our sexuality because it has been used against us, again, and again, and again.

But there is light here too, AN INVITATION.

This work is the return of your


It’s the embodiment of the raw power and potential of your being.

Because that is what’s missing. A part of you has been EXILED.

Can you sense what you are truly capable of?

You are leaving so much on the table: your relationships suffer, your children suffer. The legacy of pain, ancestral trauma and women’s secrets continue.

Nadine’s SACRED SEXUAL EMBODIMENT PROCESS™, is the catalyst for you to experience the wholeness of your sexual energy for true happiness. You deserve to feel all the pleasure of your body, not just the pain it has carried.

The women Nadine works with are ready for

expanded wealth, joy, sexual pleasure, satisfying relationships, and reignited passion.
After they work with Nadine, they have a true sense of their power. They are home in their body.

Working with Nadine inspires women to embody their true freedom,
with wealth, health, love and sexuality.


Do you want to know and unleash the