Business Astrology: Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur

Business astrology is a fun and intuitive way to guide you as you walk the entrepreneurial journey.

business astrology is an intuitive way to follow your soul’s purpose

Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. You don’t have a boss, no one is telling you what to sell and how to sell it. You’ve got to navigate your market and bring your ideas to life. It’s vulnerable and can be scary sometimes.

Using business astrology is a wonderful way to align with your business and your soul purpose this lifetime.

Business astrology can help you find your soul clients, create dream offers, know your shadow teachings to watch out for and reveals your money pathways.

Here are 2 different ways you can approach business astrology to give you concise insights for your business planning.

Business Astrology Method #1


You will need:

  • the date and time your started your business
  • the location that you run your business from (if you have a global market, use the location that YOU work from the majority of the time)

Plug that information into your favourite astrology chart generator. If you don’t have one you can check out my favourite one, Astro Charts, HERE.

Once you generate your chart you want to check out these aspects.

Sun Sign: The sun sign of your business tells you what it is here to do. How it wants to serve the world.

Moon Sign: The moon sign will tell you how your business will relate to others emotionally and tells you what shadow lessons might show up for you.

Rising Sign: This will tell you how your clients will perceive you. Pay attention to this because this is also a clue into your marketing. Your clients want and expect you to show up like this. It’s a key component into your  branding and strategy.

To see how my rising sign directly changed my marketing and branding, click here!

Mercury Placement: Mercury tells you how you can best communicate to your clients. It also might guide you to the right social media platforms that you might want to use to share with your soul client.

Venus Placement: Venus tells you how your business is helping to heal the world. When you understand your Venus placement, your messaging will more easily be connected to your  soul clients and dream offers.

moon in business astrology

The Moon shows your emotions and shadows you might face in your business

Business Astrology Method #2

I have found this method to be much more powerful for me and my business. Yes, my business is it’s own entity, but as an entrepreneur, it is a deep extension of me.

You will need:

  • Your date and time of birth
  • Your location of birth

Plug that information into your favourite astrology chart generator. If you don’t have one you can check out my favourite one, Astro Charts, HERE.

Once you have generated your chart dive into these aspects.

Sun Sign: What lessons and accomplishments you are meant to explore this lifetime. When you know your soul’s purpose, you can soften into the deeper meaning of your business.

Moon Sign: These are your emotions and how you relate to others. When you understand your emotional landscape, you can apply those wisdoms and teachings to your business. Entrepreneurship is deeply emotional. You moon sign will also reveal what shadows and lessons you will be working with this lifetime. Knowing this will help lessen the “personal rejection” that many people feel on the entrepreneur journey. It’s just part of the over all plan.

Rising Sign: This is how others perceive you. You may want to contrast this aspect with the rising sign of your business. How are they the same? How are they different? And now how can you weave them together to help you with cohesive messaging and branding? This is a key aspect to helping your clients know that you are the right person for them.

Mercury Placement: This is a foundational aspect to help you find your voice as an entrepreneur. Many entrepreneurs struggle to communicate effectively what they are passionate about and how they help their clients. How you communicate in your business, what you communicate, where you communicate and why you communicate is revealed when you understand this placement.

My voice, message and tone completely shifted when I connect with my Mercury placement. Click HERE to take a peek!

Venus Placement: Venus is your personal love language. How you give and receive love in this lifetime. It’s also a clue to your how. Is it group programs or one to one? Is it in person or online? Maybe you love to do luxurious retreats a few times a year? Perhaps you want to sell candles to help people with their soul wounds.

Business astrology has allowed me to stop struggling and follow my true desires


I trust this business astrology helps you unlock you entrepreneurial gifts and intuitively guides you towards your soul’s purpose. Business astrology has made being an entrepreneur so much more fun!

Big WILD love,



Taking it deeper!

If you want to dive deeper into your chart I do 2 hour, 1-1 personalized chart readings.

Your reading includes:

  • Exactly what you’re meant to learn this lifetime
  • What to stay away from (it’s something you were good at in a past life)
  • Your SOUL clients, how to speak to them so they KNOW it’s a fit
  • What your DREAM offers are (fun for you to deliver and your clients are begging for more)
  • Your money pathways this lifetime (it’s probably not the way your coach or business mentor told you)

Click here to book a session.

My chart has become the litmus test that I can run ALL my ideas through.It’s taken the struggle and guess work out of business. And changed EVERYTHING about how I run my company. 

You can also buy my international bestselling book:

“The Holistic Entrepreneur: Creating Success with the Medicine of your Soul HERE.

The holistic entrepreneur

Grab a copy of my international bestselling book if you’re looking for more money, more alignment and more ease in your business (without the sleaze)